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Anyone who knows me well enough knows not to expect to see me rock up to any event, function, party, coffee date or even the beach during a hot summers day in a skirt let alone a dress. It just doesn’t happen, no sir, not this girl. I’m a refined tomboy at heard and the thought of wearing a dress or a skirt makes me feel a little uncomfortable. That most certainly doesn’t mean I’m self-conscious in the slightest. I remember when I was 13 and I wanted to look like all the other pretty girls in my grade so I decided it was about time I started acting like a female. I dragged my mom to one of the fashion outlets and attempted to enjoy trying on countless skirts and dresses for a few hours longer then my mom thought was an appropriate time frame to shop. To my surprise I did not enjoy the whole girly look even if I did have the luxury of getting whatever outfit I wanted. I realised from that day at age 13 that dresses and skirts just weren’t for me. Since then I’ve started appreciating a lovely dress or skirt, I enjoy finding an elegant skirt / dress my heard still belongs to my beloved jeans and pants.


So when it came to shooting the Le Specs glasses range I was slightly excited to strip myself of the tom boy, jeans so skinny they could make anyone look thinner look and strut around in a mini high wasted, beautifully tailored Sheike skirt and tight navy Zara shirt.


If I didn’t need 110% effort to convince me that my legs looked totally normal in a skirt the weather was not on our side that day either. Melbourne weather for you, mood swings worse then a hormonal female. It didn’t take me long to appreciate the freedom I got from wearing something completely out of my normal day-to-day wear and with those boots and reflective red tinted sunglasses, even world domination was possible.

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